Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dumb Shit

As I muddle through my work environment, I see too much. People do some dumb shit. In my mind, I often have grand scenarios of how to torture these stupid individuals. In public relations, image is everything. I am good at what I do. I think it is my perfected mask. Playing the game and putting up with dumb shit is what I get paid very handsomely to do on a daily basis. I ask myself almost everyday, however: What the hell am I doing here? These people with their trivial and petty bullshit demands. Do they even look beyond themselves? I am sure people have the completely wrong impression of who I really am. Is it the same with me when viewing them? I spin fantasies and play with the truth so much during the day, I wonder if I might live permanently in the land of lala.

This week was a particularly difficult one. And I'm missing my husband quite terribly. There is a client that continues to try to bed me. I want to grab him by the balls and give them a tremendous yank. He is a complete and utter moron. He came from nothing but now has quite a lot. He thinks (and I am sure has been validated by any number of mindless sluts) that now that he has money, he is a champion dick. He is a dick, just not the kind he thinks he is. By Friday, I had just about enough of his sly brushes against my tits, and his completely inappropriate way of putting his hand on my thigh when sitting next to me to discuss our business. Friday he ends our meeting with, "She, let us stop this ridiculous dance. I have a great suite where I can show you a wonderful time. I am in room XXXX." I left and went directly to my supervisor. I told him of this man's incessant groping and inappropriate statements. My boss listened, weighed in his mind what this client means to the company, and told me he would take care of it. I left early and came home to Trusty Mutt and drank an entire bottle of Cabernet by myself. My cell phone went off every 10 minutes, with my caller id telling me it was the sleazy client. Trusty Mutt barked at my phone every time, so I suppose even he knew an asshole was calling. We will see on Monday if I've been dropped from this account. I am too good at what I do for my company to drop me. So I wait to see if he is assigned to someone else. If not, I have no idea how much longer I will be able to prevent myself from using my Krav Maga to break some of his bones and possibly make him sterile.

Dumb shit.

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